Jay Chen is a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserves, Trustee for Mt. San Antonio Community College, and a small business owner.
The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Jay attended local public schools and earned a Navy ROTC scholarship to attend Harvard University.
After working and studying in Latin America and Asia, he joined a global strategy consulting firm, where he worked extensively with Fortune 500 businesses in the software and logistics industries to manage mergers, build new products, and streamline operations before moving home and starting his own local real estate business.

Jay understands the challenges we face in the global economy and has dedicated himself to public service and education so that all of our children have the opportunity that school and service in the Naval reserves provided him.
As a school board member he created free college application workshops, free SAT classes and dual language Spanish and Mandarin language programs to ensure all students have a chance to thrive and succeed.

In the United States Navy Reserves, it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, you work together to complete the mission, and Jay has served honorably from the Korean peninsula to the Middle East.
As part of Operation Inherent Resolve Lieutenant Commander Chen led an intelligence team and brought justice to the terror group ISIS, and he played a key role in the military’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East.

Jay will work to restore accountability and integrity in Congress. He will stand up to insurance and drug companies to make health care more affordable and COVID-19 testing and treatment free.
He will fight to increase the size and scope of small business loans so that our local economy can recover, and work across the aisle to invest in education, strengthen our supply chains, and reduce inflation. He will also stand up for our veterans and ensure that they have access to quality healthcare and jobs after they complete their service to our country.