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Women’s Rights

Jay believes that reproductive rights should be protected at all cost and health care decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor, without interference from politicians.  Attacks on Roe vs Wade and the right to an abortion endangers the health and safety of women across the country.  All women should have the right and ability to safely end an unintended pregnancy.

In Congress Jay will support legislation to expand funding for reproductive healthcare services like Planned Parenthood as well as services that provide preventative health care, education and access to contraceptives.  This is critical for achieving gender equity.

Jay will fight to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act which aims to increase pay equity along gender and racial lines. He will work to ensure that every family has the security to take the time they need to care for their loved ones by promoting paid family leave, and that all parents can return to work through the expansion of childcare options.

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